
Saturday, Feb 17


First... gotta give props to my Dad. Still recovering from total knee replacement, but he's still making fantastic progress..

Also, I leave for my cruise tomorrow, so I'm put "the patch" on now. (Have I ever mentioned how much motion sickness can get to me??)

And here are the pics from cooking day...

We rolled 205 meatballs for Meatballs in Wine...

Also made Tomato Sauce, Lentils, and Broc & Tom sauces

... Ranch Chicken ......Plus meatloaves and paella and probably something else that I'm forgetting. What a day!

Plenty of food to fill up my deep freeze!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Sandra, this is Teresa. Just caught wind of your blog and think it is cool! Will show it to Grandpa so he can follow it. He will love seeing pictures of you, your life and your family. Can't wait for the wedding! Love, Teresa