
Wednesday, Feb 21

Day 3: Today's port of call was Jamaica, and here was the view from our balcony when we got into port:
(I'm just learning to use the panoramic feature of my point & click camera... but I think the results came out great!)

We didn't do a whole lot in Jamaica, but Eric manajed to enjoy himself while we hung out at the local Margaritaville.

Actually, we did buy Eric a watch in Jamaica (as my engagement present to him), but I neglected to take a picture of it. :-L

Instead... I got a picture of our ship as we were returning to it...

And along the lilnes of experimenting with the panoramic pictures... This is the result of trying to take a picture of our ship when I'm standing only about 50 yards away. Kinda cool, I thought.

Another panoramic photo of a beautiful sunset over Jamaica... not the greatest photo stitched together (you can see the seams), but it's still not too bad...

And last but not least... don't forget tonight's towel animal:

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